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    Savoring Bishan’s Best: A Review of Jiak Mee’s Handmade Mee Hoon Kueh

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    Nestled in the bustling lanes of Bishan’s vibrant hawker scene, Jiak Mee stands out with its promise of homestyle comfort—handmade mee hoon kueh. Known for its tender, hand-pulled pieces of dough, mee hoon kueh is a beloved dish among local food enthusiasts. This time, we dived into both the soup and dry versions of this dish to see how Jiak Mee measures up.

    The Soupy Saga: Comforting but Mellow

    Priced at a modest $4.80, the soup version of Jiak Mee’s mee hoon kueh presents a simple broth that aims for subtlety. Unlike the robust flavours we’ve relished at Jiak Song Mee Hoon Kueh, Jiak Mee opts for a lighter touch. The broth, though understated, might be too tame for those who prefer a stronger, more aromatic base.

    The soup features unique Cekur Manis leaves—also known as Sweet Leaf—adding an intriguing texture different from the usual cai xin. The leafy greens, alongside crunchy ikan bilis, bring a delightful contrast to the tender mee hoon kueh, which itself is ample and satisfyingly chewy. However, the minced pork could have been more tender, as it leaned towards the tougher side, which might not sit well with all palates.

    Dry Delight: A Flavorful Twist

    Stepping up at $5.30, the dry version brings a new dimension to the table. It retains the same vegetables and ikan bilis but introduces a silky semi-cooked egg, draping over the chewy noodles in a rich, comforting coat. The simple yet effective sauce binds all elements together, creating a dish that surpasses the soup version in both taste and texture.

    For those seeking a little extra indulgence, the dry version with prawn paste chicken mid-wings ($7) is a must-try. The chicken, aromatic with prawn paste, is crispy on the outside and succulently juicy within, making each bite a delightful crunch. This version does away with the minced pork but keeps everything else, allowing the star feature—those delectable wings—to shine through.

    Recommendation: Go Dry, Definitely

    Between the soup and dry options, our recommendation leans heavily towards the dry versions. Whether you opt for the basic setup or splurge a little on the prawn paste chicken addition, Jiak Mee’s dry mee hoon kueh captures the essence of what makes this dish a staple: texture, flavour, and heartwarming satisfaction.

    In conclusion, while Jiak Mee’s soup version might not stir up excitement, the dry mee hoon kueh—especially topped with those irresistible prawn paste wings—promises a more flavour-packed experience that is well worth exploring. So, the next time you’re in Bishan, let Jiak Mee treat you to a plate of their finest!

    Jiak Mee Opening Hours and Location

    7:30 am – 8:30 pm Daily

    Address: 514 Bishan St. 13, Singapore 570514, Junction 8

    🍜 Diving into the delicious world of Jiak Mee’s handmade mee hoon kueh in Bishan! 🌟 The dry version is a game-changer! 😋 #SingaporeFood #FoodieHeaven #JiakMee #MeeHoonKueh #BishanDelights #Yummilicious #SingaporeEats #FoodiesOfInstagram #WhatToEatSG #SGFoodTrend #HawkerFood #BishanFinds #ComfortFoodSG #TastySG #SGFoodie #LocalDelightsSG

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    Discover the flavors of Jiak Mee's handmade mee hoon kueh in Bishan. Our review covers both soup and dry versions!Savoring Bishan's Best: A Review of Jiak Mee's Handmade Mee Hoon Kueh