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    Delightful Lobster in Desaru: A Seafood Adventure at Lotus Seafood Restaurant

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    If you find yourself wandering the sun-kissed shores of Desaru, with a growling stomach and a hankering for something from the deep blue, then look no further. Lotus Seafood Restaurant is your haven. I took the plunge and splurged on their famed grilled lobster, and let me tell you, it was an experience worth savouring.

    Grilled Lobster: A Taste of Delight

    Price: RM266
    Rating: 🦞🦞🦞🦞🦞

    First things first, this grilled lobster is the Adele of seafood dishes. Before it even hit the grill, the staff brought out the live lobster for our inspection. Talk about transparency! After a nod of approval, our crustacean friend was whisked away to meet its delicious destiny.

    When the lobster finally arrived, it was topped with a delectable garlic butter sauce and exuded a beautiful aromatic char-grilled aroma. The flesh was unbelievably crunchy and juicy, bursting with an umami sweetness that danced on my taste buds. I was extremely happy with this lobster. It was, quite simply, awesome.

    White Clams (Lala): A Subtle Symphony

    Price: RM26.50
    Rating: 🐚🐚🐚🐚

    Next up, we tried their white clams, or lala, stir-fried with ginger and spring onion. There’s another option – kam heong – but we decided to keep it classic. The ginger and spring onion worked their magic, elevating the natural sweetness of the clams. Each bite was a delightful burst of flavour, with plump and juicy clams that were, quite frankly, excellent and delicious.

    Deep Fried Calamari: A Slight Misstep

    Price: RM26.50
    Rating: 🦑🦑🦑

    Not every dish can hit a home run, and unfortunately, the deep-fried calamari fell short. Although deep-fried, the calamari rings were more flat and soggy than crispy. It wasn’t exactly what we expected. However, taste-wise, it was passable. Not bad, but not something I’d rush to order again.

    Beef Teriyaki: A Savoury Surprise

    Price: RM58
    Rating: 🥩🥩🥩🥩🥩

    Finally, we wrapped up our seafood extravaganza with an unexpected delight: beef teriyaki. These beef strips were effusively tender and seasoned to perfection, making for a truly flavourful experience. It was a fantastic way to round off our meal and left us thoroughly satisfied.

    Conclusion: A Seafood Feast Worth the Trip

    Lotus Seafood Restaurant in Desaru delivers a mixed bag of delights and minor disappointments, but overall, it’s a place worth visiting. The grilled lobster alone makes it a must-visit for seafood aficionados, and the white clams and beef teriyaki only add to the appeal. Just maybe skip the calamari next time.

    Lotus Seafood Restaurant Opening Hours and Location

    11 am – 10:30 pm Daily

    Address: Lotus Desaru Beach Resort, 90, 81930 Bandar Penawar, Johor, Malaysia

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    Discover the delightful grilled lobster at Lotus Seafood Restaurant in Desaru. Savour the umami sweetness and aromatic char-grilled flavour. Delightful Lobster in Desaru: A Seafood Adventure at Lotus Seafood Restaurant