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    Wanton Mee @ 777 HK Traditional Roasted Delights

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    Where to eat wanton mee in amk? Any good wanton noodles around? We tried out 777 HK Traditional Roasted Delights at amk block 532 and here is our food review of it.

    For a roasted meat stall, their char siew were particularly underwhelming, dry but subtly sweet. Savouriness came in the form of their unique viscous gravy drizzled onto the char siew.

    Noodles were mundane, with wet greasy sauce base, leaning more towards the sweeter spectrum.

    3 wantons were given, and were plump and mouthful, savoury and flavourful.

    At $4 for wanton noodles with spot on wantons but lacklustre char siew, it was filling but lacking in satisfaction.

    Opening Hours

    8.15am – 7pm Daily


    532 Ang Mo Kio Ave 10, 01-2473, Singapore 560532

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    At $4 for wanton noodles with spot on wantons but lacklustre char siew, it was filling but lacking in satisfaction.Wanton Mee @ 777 HK Traditional Roasted Delights