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    Wagyu Tendon Tsukimi Tororo Udon @ Tamago-EN

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    What to eat at Tamago-EN? We tried out their simple soup udon with their signature fluffy egg whites, as well as stewed beef and grated yam.

    Soup was light and refreshing, with subtle sweetness and rich bonito broth flavour. Egg whites whipped into a fluffy cake, no seasoning but with a unique texture. Egg yolk was totally raw, which mixed really well into the flavourful soup. Their eggs are marketed as flown directly from Okinawa, Japan, and it tasted and looked somewhat fresh and delicious.

    Stewed beef tendons were awesomely tender and savoury, providing the needed bite from the soft textures of eggs and noodles. Grated yam was there to compliment the beef and probably to fill up the space and made the few chunks of beef to appear to be more. Yes, the amount of beef was somewhat pitiful, but tasted great.

    Udon noodles were silky and smooth, went amazingly well with the bonito broth and satisfying.

    At $12.90 a bowl, Tamago-EN’s Wagyu Tendon Tsukimi Tororo Udon tasted great, but definitely underwhelmingly portioned.

    Opening Hours

    11am to 10pm Daily


    3 Temasek Blvd, B1 170/171, Singapore 038983

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    At $12.90 a bowl, Tamago-EN's Wagyu Tendon Tsukimi Tororo Udon tasted great, but definitely underwhelmingly portioned.Wagyu Tendon Tsukimi Tororo Udon @ Tamago-EN