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    Spinach Noodles Wanton Noodles @ Huang Kee (黄记) Hong Kong Style Wanton Noodle

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    If any of your peers mention that there isn’t any good food in Sengkang, point them in the direction of Compassvale Bow. There sits a kopithiam where you can find one of the best wanton noodles you can get.

    We tried Huang Ji Spinach Wanton Noodles, at $5 a plate. It is similar to their normal Wanton Noodles, just 50 cents more for spinach noodles. Frankly speaking, the noodles doesn’t really taste any different from the usual mee kia.

    We will list out all the awesomeness of their dishes. Firstly, their secret sauce that is poured onto the well blanched noodles and generous chunky tender char siew. Secondly, their Hongkong kailan is one of its kind. You seldom see Hongkong kailan being served with Wanton Noodles. It may be the broth that was used to blanch the vegetables, but the Hongkong kailan tasted slightly sweet and savoury. Thirdly, they have their deep fried wantons to add depth of texture to the dish. Finally, the STAR of the dish: the freaking awesome huge wantons with generous fillings, frolicking in the deep deep flavoured soup.

    If you intend to pay them a visit during lunch time, be prepared to join in the snaky queue. But it sure damn was worth the wait. On top of it all, the staff were really polite and friendly, even though they were so busy.

    Opening Hours

    9:30am – 6pm Daily


    266 Compassvale Bow, Singapore 540266

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    If you intend to pay them a visit during lunch time, be prepared to join in the snaky queue. But it sure damn was worth the wait. On top of it all, the staff were really polite and friendly, even though they were so busy.Spinach Noodles Wanton Noodles @ Huang Kee (黄记) Hong Kong Style Wanton Noodle