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    Roti Prata @ Aroma Biryani

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    What to eat at shunfu mart? How about having something from Aroma Biryani, were we got their roti prata kosong and egg. Lets find out how their roti prata faired.

    Simple and tasty roti prata, they were fluffy and slightly charred, not crispy in any way, nor were they oily. Their curry gravy was thick and aromatic, spicy and worthed every calories it had.

    At $2 for 2 kosong prata, and $1.50 for egg prata, it was a simple prata affair, with a friendly uncle. Definitely a good choice for breakfast at Shunfu Mart.


    #02-06, 320 Shunfu Rd, Singapore 570320

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    At $2 for 2 kosong prata, and $1.50 for egg prata, it was a simple prata affair, with a friendly uncle. Definitely a good choice for breakfast at Shunfu Mart.Roti Prata @ Aroma Biryani