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    Experience Spicy and Savory Flavors with Ng Kuan’s Chilli Pan Mee Pork Cutlet Ban Mian

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    Looking for a tasty late night meal around Hougang Kovan area? We headed down for Ng Kuan Chilli Pan Mee for their 炸猪肉板面, spicy noodles with their delish pork cutlet for this food review.

    Their noodles were amazingly springy, coupled with their awesome thick chili that was spicy and marbled with texture. Mixed together with their noodles and you get a delectable and tremendously satisfying combi. Thrown into the mix was an egg with runny yolk for the added smoothness and silky texture added to the noodles. For the crunchy department comes in the form of savoury crunchy ikan bilis, as well as crispy deep fried shallots and garlic for the uplifting flavour and aromatics. On the side, we had their deep fried pork cutlet, chopped into bite-sized chunks. They were fabulously deep in distinct flavour, crunchy and varying and superior in taste and texture. Although greasy, it was a marvelous pairing with their irresistible noodles. Top notch creation and a gastronomic treat.

    @yumzyumzsg Ng Kuan Chilli Pan Mee – Pork Cutlet Ban Mian Find out what score they got at #sghawker #hawkerfood #spicynoodles #foodlover #porkcutlet ♬ Nice & Spicy – Erickgll

    Coming in at $7.50 for their chili pan mian with accentuating crispy pork cutlet. Parking seems to be a nightmare, but the crowd was relentless and kept coming close to midnight on a weekend. Taking our orders and helping us with our order was a splendid experience too. No fuss, friendly and swift in their operations. Awesome!

    Ng Kuan Chilli Pan Mee’s pork cutlet ban mian was definitely enjoyable and tasty, with great quality and ample quantity, with excellent service.

    Ng Kuan Chilli Pan Mee Opening Hours and Location

    8 am – 2:30 am Daily

    Address : 941 Upper Serangoon Rd, Singapore 534709

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    Ng Kuan Chilli Pan Mee's pork cutlet ban mian was definitely enjoyable and tasty, with great quality and ample quantity, with excellent service.Experience Spicy and Savory Flavors with Ng Kuan's Chilli Pan Mee Pork Cutlet Ban Mian