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    Bib Gourmand Bak Chor Mee @ Tai Wah Pork Noodle

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    Located on the 2nd floor of Hong Lim Market & Food Centre, Tai Wah Pork Noodle awarded the Bib Gourmand in the MICHELIN Guide Singapore, for their bak chor mee. What to eat at Hong Lim? This is one you should not miss.

    Priced at $6, $8, $10, you get to choose the type of noodles. Mee pok or mee kia.

    Tee Poh (dried sole fish)

    The only piece given for our $6 order was a paltry tiny piece, but crunchy and savoury.

    Noodles and sauce

    Their mee kia noodles were slightly thicker than the usual wanton noodles, which holds the sauce well. It didn’t had the overwhelming alkaline taste and blanched to a perfect consistency.

    Sauce mix was not overtly covered in black vinegar, which allowed us to still taste the sweetness of the pork, the savouriness and chili of the sauce mix.

    Pork, Dumpling, and Stuff

    Porky, sweet and soft. These were the taste that hit us like musical notes, creating a musical ensemble in our mouth. Pork liver were soft and cooked just nice. Pork slices were tenderlicious and subtle sweetness. Minced pork were fluffy and yet carries a nice bite to every bit and pieces.

    Pork balls were bouncy and packs a nice punch in texture. Dumpling was plump and savoury.

    Every single ingredient carries its own unique texture and taste. What a sensational experience.

    Oh, and their fried pork lard was soft and crunchy, almost comparable to the absolute fried pork lard from Ah Li Japanese Fusion Mee Pok @ Li Yuan Mee Pok 栗原麵薄.


    Tai Wah’s soup was one of the best we have ever tried, with loads of pork fluff within, felt hearty and tons of flavour. The aftertaste was fantastic, which lingers around the breathe that assaults the senses.


    Sauce mix was definitely on point, noodles and ingredients were straight up perfect, and soup was out of this world. With these combination, no wonder they got they MICHELIN awards and commands a healthy streaming line of customers. Recommneded!

    Opening Hours

    Tuesday7:30am – 3pm
    Wednesday7:30am – 3pm
    Thursday7:30am – 3pm
    Friday7:30am – 3pm
    Saturday7:30am – 3pm
    Sunday7:30am – 3pm


    531A Upper Cross St, #02-16, Singapore 051531

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    Sauce mix was definitely on point, noodles and ingredients were straight up perfect, and soup was out of this world. With these combination, no wonder they got they MICHELIN awards and commands a healthy streaming line of customers. Recommneded!Bib Gourmand Bak Chor Mee @ Tai Wah Pork Noodle