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    Desaru Delights: A Lobster Feast at Harbourfront Seafood

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    If you’re searching for a seafood experience that’s more thrilling than a rollercoaster ride, let me introduce you to Harbourfront Seafood in Desaru. This place doesn’t just serve seafood; it delivers an all-out crustacean carnival. We’re talking about lobsters, crabs, and clams that’ll make your taste buds dance the cha-cha. So grab a bib, loosen your belt, and let’s dive into this shellfish smorgasbord!

    The Lobster Extravaganza – Lobster in 上湯 Gravy: A Symphony in a Bowl

    First up, the lobster in 上湯 gravy. If you’ve ever wondered what it’s like to taste heaven, this is it. Priced at RM158, this dish is worth every penny. The gravy was thick, savoury, and clung to the lobster flesh like a needy ex. Each bite of the lobster was crunchy and delectable, making it the unanimous favourite at our table. It’s the kind of dish that makes you want to write poetry and send thank-you notes to the chef.

    Lobster Steamed with Garlic: Garlicky Goodness

    Next on our lobster tour was the steamed garlic lobster, also priced at RM158. This dish brought a garlic punch so strong it could ward off an entire vampire clan. The lobster was fresh, and the garlic added a delightful zing without overpowering the natural sweetness of the seafood. It was a garlicky wonderland that had us all licking our fingers and reaching for seconds.

    Crab-tastic Creations – Salted Egg Crab: The King of Crabs

    Our crab of choice was the salted egg crab, coming in at RM126. This dish was a revelation. The salted egg sauce was effusive and coated the crab like a golden, delicious armour. The crab meat itself was fresh and juicy, making every mouthful a joyous occasion. It’s the kind of dish that makes you feel like royalty, even if you’re wearing a bib and cracking shells with your teeth.

    Clam Calamities – Kam Hiong Lala: Almost There

    We also sampled the “lala” or clams, cooked in kam hiong style for RM28. While the kam hiong sauce was aromatic and packed a punch, it somewhat overshadowed the natural umami taste of the clams. Don’t get me wrong; it was still a tasty dish, but it didn’t quite hit the high notes like our lobster and crab friends.

    Overall Experience

    Our meal at Harbourfront Seafood Desaru was quite the seafood saga. The lobsters were the undisputed stars of the show, with the crab coming in a close second. The clams were decent but paled in comparison to their shellfish siblings. The ambience of the restaurant was relaxed, and the service was prompt, making the overall dining experience enjoyable and satisfying.

    If you find yourself in Desaru with a hankering for seafood, Harbourfront Seafood is a must-visit. Just remember to bring your appetite and maybe a wheelbarrow to roll yourself out afterwards. Happy feasting!

    Harboufront Seafood Opening Hours and Location

    11 am – 10 pm Daily

    Address: 47, Jalan Kempas 1, Taman Desaru Utama, 82200 Bandar Penawar, Johor, Malaysia

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    Dive into a lobster feast at Harbourfront Seafood Desaru. Steamed garlic lobster, 上湯 gravy lobster, salted egg crab, and kam hiong clams.Desaru Delights: A Lobster Feast at Harbourfront Seafood