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    Creamy Korean Ramen at POCHA in Plaza Singapura: A Must-Try Delight!

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    If you find yourself wandering through Plaza Singapura with a grumbling tummy, let me point you to a culinary gem that’ll have you singing “ramyeon and happy” in no time. Say hello to the star of the show at POCHA! Korean Street Dining: the Creamy Shin Ramyeon. This is not your everyday ramen. Oh no, it’s a bowl of pure joy that will make your taste buds dance and your heart skip a beat.

    The Ultimate Upgrade: From Instant to Insanely Good

    First things first, let’s talk noodles. Yes, we all know the humble beginnings of Shin Ramyeon as the trusty instant ramen that’s saved many a late-night craving. But POCHA has taken this classic and given it a gourmet makeover that would make any noodle fan swoon. These aren’t just noodles; they are an upgraded, luxurious version that retains the comforting familiarity of the original while adding a sprinkle of magic.

    Toppings Galore: The Crunchy, The Savoury, and The Egg-cellent

    Imagine this: a steaming bowl of perfectly cooked noodles, crowned with a huge heap of crunchy seaweed and a generous sprinkle of white sesame seeds. The crunch is real, folks, and it’s divine. But wait, there’s more! Lying seductively atop this noodle mountain are two thick slices of luncheon meat. These aren’t just any slices; they are gloriously thick and packed with savoury goodness.

    Now, delve into the bowl and discover the hidden treasures beneath. An assortment of veggies and chewy rice cakes mix and mingle, creating a festival of textures that keep every bite interesting. And there, nestled gently on the side, is a perfectly hard-boiled egg, its yolk adding a mellow, creamy note to the rich broth.

    The Star of the Show: That Creamy, Dreamy Sauce

    But let’s not beat around the bush. The true hero of this dish is the sauce. Rich, creamy, and with just the right amount of kick, it’s a velvety blanket that envelops every noodle strand and every morsel of topping. The slight spiciness sneaks in just enough to wake up your palate without sending you running for the milk. This sauce is so delectable that you might find yourself tempted to drink it straight from the bowl. No judgment here; I did it, and I’d do it again.

    Size and Satisfaction: The Perfect Portion for a Happy Belly

    At $13.90 a bowl, the Creamy Shin Ramyeon is a steal. The portion is generous, ensuring you leave the table fully satisfied and perhaps even ready for a nap. It’s a hearty, comforting meal that feels like a warm hug from a Korean grandma you never knew you needed.

    Final Verdict: Ramyeon Recommend? Absolutely!

    In the world of ramen, POCHA’s Creamy Shin Ramyeon stands out as a must-try. Whether you’re a noodle novice or a seasoned slurper, this dish will tickle your taste buds and leave you grinning like a Cheshire cat. The blend of textures, the depth of flavour, and the sheer joy of eating it make this a dish worth writing home about—or at least worth an enthusiastic Instagram post.

    So, next time you’re in Plaza Singapura and the hunger pangs strike, head over to POCHA! Korean Street Dining and treat yourself to a bowl of their Creamy Shin Ramyeon. Your taste buds will thank you, and so will your soul.

    Click here for Pocha Korean Street Dining Menu

    POCHA! Korean Street Dining Opening Hours and Location

    Friday 11:30 am – 10 pm Daily

    Address: 68 Orchard Road B2-47 Plaza, Singapore 238839

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    Discover the rich and creamy Shin Ramyeon at POCHA in Plaza Singapura. A must-try Korean ramen with a delicious twist!Creamy Korean Ramen at POCHA in Plaza Singapura: A Must-Try Delight!